six dining chairs, a two-seater sofa, a little caned chair called 'Marge', a plethora of cushions and two doggie poufs (!)... plus some days out being 'Upholstery Tutor At Large' at @theFarm, the WI's Denman College, The Makery and The Marmalade House. April has been even busier than normal. oh, and there was Easter too.
here are some shed highlights...
a lovely early 20th C sofa (nicknamed Barbie)
six much-loved and very old dining chairs restored, repaired and given a stripy make-over. here they are waiting to go back home...
a small fireside chair called 'Marge' by its owner, re-caned locally and recovered by me in GP&J Baker's 'giraffe'
a mid century reclining chair which looked a lot like this but with a sprung seat (the actual one got whisked away before i got my camera out). had a lot of fun playing with the reclining gadgetry
and it was nice to get my hands on some re-springing
and then there were two doggie pouffes...
i'd love to claim that they went home looking like this wonderful thing by The Forest & Co... but my commission was to cover them in very tasteful red linen. hey ho.
which brings me on to lampshades.
time ran out (i'm blaming easter) and April's 'Lampshade of the Month' is going to be late. as it's a self-imposed deadline i've decided that the big unveiling shall by some time later this week ;-)
Beyond the Shed
upholstery workshops continue to thrive and give me no end of happy days sharing my skills with lovely and appreciative folks. for details of forthcoming workshops @theFarm and at the WI's Denman College, click here and you should be transported to the right info.