Monday, 10 March 2014

Lampshade of the Month... a sneaky preview

it's high time that 'Lampshade of the Month: March' was well underway but by the end of last week, shortly after setting myself a grand task of writing 'Traditional Lampshade Making: The Sequel', i found that even a whole shelf full of fabriccy treasures can leave a soul sapped of all creative courage. 

now was not the time to be in crafty doldrums, so i left Mr H in charge of Saturday morning activities and pottered off to Devizes where the The Vintage Bazaar  was happening at the Corn Exchange. i spent a very satisfactory two hours rummaging through Donna Flower's splendid display of vintage fabrics. and, naturally, i brought one or two treasures home. 

the result? 

creative courage restored, bursts of inspiration popping anew and March's Lampshade of the Month on it's way. phew

here's a little preview...

 working title... Dickie Bird

and just to make you laugh (i'm sure my neighbours do) i thought i'd show you my 'photo studio'. 

two sheets, one table and a sunny wall. priceless

and here's lovely Donna tidying up after all that rummaging....

thank you xx

Sunday, 2 March 2014

i have decided to write a book

yes really.

not a Mary Wesley-esque depiction of life and love in the modern-day shed, but more like 'Traditional Lampshade Making: The Sequel'

here's why:  

lampshade making circa 1959. time for an update...

i dearly love every rare and treasured spare moment spent creating beautiful lampshades, but as a one-of-a-kind handmaker, even if blessed with more time, my fantasy Folksy shelves will always have plenty of white space. 

however... to merrily log each newly-learned technical skill, creative eureka moment, re-discovered wisdom and pure fabriccy indulgence. that i can do.

so 'doris and me' is going to take a new direction for a while. there will be many more updates on shed news, but most new posts will be pages of 'the Sequel'. it will contain lots of tutorials, ideas, cheap frills and lampshadey goodness. it won't start at the beginning and end at the end, largely because my creative busy-ness doesn't work like that. i really do hope that other lampshade lovelies may find it interesting and useful reading.

while i rustle up the first installment, here are five cheery pictures that may make it into 'the Sequel'…

ps by the way... i actually have a Folksy shop! yay! the shelves are a little bare at the mo, but i'll keep you posted when new things are added. here it is: doris and me on Folksy

i am going to share 'the Sequel' bit-by-bit on the understanding that one day it may even become a proper book. if anyone would like to use any of my photos, words, diagrams and ideas, please do ask my permission. thank you kindly. x