Saturday, 16 February 2013

in bed with flu day two

dreaming of shrinking down to 4in and climbing into Bella McBride’s ‘one of a kind armchair adventures’. 

Thursday, 14 February 2013

i was most amused

to discover that a lovely lady’s pretty chair had once been graced by the bottom of queen Victoria herself. queenie must have appreciated her respite greatly because the chair bore a teeny engraved silver plaque stating that her royal bottom had indeed been there in 1850 during the opening of the royal border bridge. goodness me!

naturally the lovely lady was most anxious that this 163 year old fact should not be lost during reupholstery. how about a wee cushion bearing the royal portrait to act as a reminder of past glories…? happily, the lovely lady was game and left me to it.

this is the result, with huge thanks to Crafty Computer Paper and my neighbour Steve (another shed dweller who knows all about printing and was up for a challenge).

(ps i have often pondered about the existence of a 'royal chair spotter', a lucky fellow-ess who's job is to hand out silver plaques to reward chairs for a job jolly well done and even find myself studying televised royal outings to see for myself who it could be...?)